Ihre Apotheke in Bonn Medinghoven
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Alisha Merisa
12:37 09 Feb 22
Hello Team Hardt Pharmacy,The staff at the test center are veryThe unfriendly lady with the glasses today works an incompetent young manShe had stuck the swabs very deep into her nose and the poor boy got tears in his eyes. Personally, I personally don't like the testing center anymore. Unfortunately, I don't like it anymore
Larrisa Gajemel
12:19 09 Feb 22
Good day,I wanted to say that I was at the test center today and the older lady with the glasses put them onthe swab deep in the back of the nostrilI've seen this was the worst test center I've been to, assault impossible and so rude at the same time!On Monday I was there with my aunt there was another lady very rude let me wait take her relatives first although I liked going to the pharmacy I won't come back in the future just because of the unfriendly staff in the test center it's not possible at all
Ahmad Albakouri
08:09 24 Jan 20
Friendly and specialized staff, moreover you will find someone who also speaks the Arabic language.Medication instructions are readily given.The pharmacy is very well organized and is close to pediatricians.
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